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Klondike Derby Campout

When: Sat-Sun, January 26-27, 2019

We hope you can join us for the fun-filled annual Hunterdon-Arrowhead District Klondike Derby challenging winter camping event! It will once again be held at the Teetertown Ravine Nature Preserve / Mountain Farm located in Port Murray, NJ. The troop will meet promptly at 6:30am on Saturday for departure. Once camp is quickly setup, Scout Patrols will compete in an outdoor skills competition. Each Patrol will pull a sled from station to station, which will carry all of their gear needed. Be sure to brush up on your scout skills before the outing! Stations will include the following scout skill activities: Sled Inspection, Compass/Orienteering, First Aid, Team Building, Fire Building, Ice Rescue, Lumber Jack (2-man saw log cut), Knots + Pioneering, Knife Throwing and a Stretcher Carry Race. In the afternoon will be the “Great Klondike Sled Race”! Each scout & adult attending is asked to bring two (2) cans of soup for the Klondike Stew (no cream soups).

Eat a nourishing breakfast before arriving on Saturday morning. Bring a bagged lunch to eat on Saturday. The trailer will be packed on Friday night.

Registration Deadline is Friday, 1/18. Contact Mr. Ghanim with any questions.

Click Here for the registration form. NOTE: For the safety and comfort of our Scouts, proper winter clothing and footwear is required for this event.

Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge

If you are a 1st Class scout or above, you are invited to participate in Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge class during the program portion of Troop 194 meetings this spring. The MB class will meet on the following dates:

January: 11 & 25
February: 1 & 15
March: 1 (additional dates if needed March 8,15, 22)

Please come prepared to actively participate, to behave respectfully, and to learn how you can contribute to and participate in your community.

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